13 Mar 2025, Thu

Lockdownce Fatke : Part 1


English Title – Slaps of Lockdown.
Duration 90 mins.
Language – Marathi.
Subtitle – English.
Release Date – 24 May 2024.
Genre – Comedy / Sci Fi.
Type – Live Action and Animation

Film Crew.
Cast – Sumit Ranaware, Shrikant Dhavale, Raajveer, Ganesh Patil, Vikas Nikam, Siddharth Shah, Ravikiran Dixit, Sanjay Shelke, Sumit Salunke, Ganesh Ghodake, Sagar Malthankar, Monika Gupta, Kshitija Bhore, Revati Kulkarni, Pradnya Bhosale, Renuka Dhavale, Rohini Gupta, Savita Ingale, Shweta Patil, Renuka Ambekar, Dr.Narkar, Sameer Gejage, Vasupati and Kiran Bhujbal.

Cartoon Corona Voice Over –
Ganesh Ghodake, Pradip Sawant, Shri. Ashwin Vilas Bharade.
Camera – Kiran Bhujbal.

Story, Screenplay, Animation, Editor & Director
Sumit Ranaware.

Produced by Five Birds Production.

Category: Tag:


Trailer : 

*10 Reasons to watch “Lockdownce Fatke”*
1. This is a low budget film made with very limited resources.
2. This film took more than 4 years in making.
3. This is Sumit Ranaware’s 3th movie releasing on YouTube.
4. All actors have shot their scenes on mobile and sent on telegram for editing. Because it was not possible in lockdown to meeting in person and shoot.
5. This film is Maharashtra’s first live action – animation film.
6. Entire animation was done single handedly by Sumit himself.
7. This film explorers the details about lockdown suffering in a funny way.
8. Actors were asked to write some solo scenes of their own and shoot by themselves.
9. Entire film was directed via telephonic conversation, between director and actors.
10. This film has a tight screen play. Most scenes are under 1 minute.


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